CRA onboarding is an intensive one-day training course. We offer the training twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays. If this schedule does not suite your needs, please Contact Us and ask for an alternative date that is a better fit for you or your team. The monthly and daily schedule are provided below.

CRA Onboarding Schedule 2024

Month Individual Day(s) Set Course Time by Time Zone
January 24th

Eastern Standard Time (EST):
1030 – 18000 hours

Central Standardd Time (CST):
0930 – 1700 hours

Mountain Standard Time (MST):
0830 – 1600 hours

Pacific Standard Time (PST):
0730 – 1500 hours

February 7th and 21st
March 6th and 20th
April 3rd and 17th
May 9th and 31st
June 14th and 28th
July 12th, and 26th
August 9th and 23rd
September 6th and 20th
October 4th and 18th
November 1st, 15th, and 29th
December 13th

Daily Schedule

Activities Schedule Description
Modules 0 – 1 0900 – 1000 (MST) CRA Onboarding Introduction, Terminology, AO’s Perspective and OVL.
Break 1000 – 1010 (MST)  
Modules 2 – 3 1010 – 1200 (MST) AO’s Introduction, Communication, Objectives and Playbook CRA Introduction, Objectives and Playbook
Lunch 1200 – 1300 (MST)  
Modules 3-6 1300 – 1430 (EST) CRA’s Introduction, Objectives and Playbook Continued, Body of Evidence and Artifacts (Tools), Assessments and Continuous Execution.
Break 1430 – 1440 (MST)  
Module 7 1440 – 1515 (MST) Agile Authorization Ecosystem – Putting all of this together
Recap/Lessons Learned 1515 – 1530 (MST) Summary – Questions